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Losing weight is easier when you include enjoyable, low-calorie foods in your regular diet. Figs are slightly sweet and satisfying fruits that can be a regular part of a diet for weight loss, and including these fruits in your meal plans can help you stick to them without feeling deprived. Consume.Aug 5, 2011 However, what really labels figs as a bona fide heart attack prevention superfood is their extraordinary amount of carotenoids, most notably lycopene, lutein, and beta-carotene. Few foods on earth are known to contain such an array of heart-health-promoting antioxidants. Studies show that heart disease .Aug 24, 2016 Don't worry, this doesn't mean the crunch in the fig is a wasp carcass. The fig uses an enzyme known as ficin to break down the wasp into protein, though it doesn't always break down the entire exoskeleton. So, yes, technically when you bite into a fig you are in fact eating fig wasps.Dec 18, 2015 Though in India fresh Figs are not easily available but can be found in the form of dry fruits popularly known as Anjeer. The high amount of calcium, iron and potassium present in it along with the high amount of fiber and low fat makes it a healthy food to include in your diet which can be eaten alone.Figs are a nutrient-dense fruit that can be yellow-green, copper or purple in color. You can peel them and eat them out of hand, use them to make jam or add them to ice cream or baked goods. Fresh figs aren't always available year-round in the United States, but dried figs are relatively easy to find. Although figs may .

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