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Seljavalu rp-ga

Mina olen vaadelnud ühe perekonna ühest soost lapsi ja seal on see tõenäosus 50:50. Üks laps kasvas esimesest päevast rpa peal ja teine pikalt rp-ga. Mõlemad.

artrosklerootilised niudesoole liigesed

There are many phonemes which have the same phonetic realization in both RP and GA (they sound the same) but they have a different sound in certain non-RP UK accents. (i.e. FACE, PRICE, CHOICE, AND MOUTH, sound the same in RP amd GA but NOT have diffrent phonetic realisations on Cockney).

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-> lfk koksartroosi korral
Seljavalu on põhjustatud liigsest seksuaalsest aktiivsusest, ületöötamisest või kaasasündinud neeru nõrkusest, mille tulemusena on nõrgestuvad neeru qi ja essents nimmepiirkonnas kanalite nõrga toidetuse Alaselja valu kaasuvalt descensus uteri'ga: Guanyuan Ren 4, Zigong Ex, Sanyinjiao.
-> seljavalu
One aspect of the differences between American and British English is that of pronunciation, as described in American and British English pronunciation differences. The General American (GA) and the British Received Pronunciation (RP) accents have some significant points of difference, described in this article. However .
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21 nov. 2017 «Minu kodus?! Maksupetturi õlu?!» hüüdis Euroopa digivolinik Andrus Ansip eileõhtusel üritusel, mille peaesineja ta oli.«Teate, minu kodus, keldris on Läti.
-> kahepoolne gonartroos 1 st.varikoz.
"RP" stands for "Received Pronunciation", the traditional name for the standard British English accent. "Received" really means "accepted in good society", which shows the prescriptive social character of the original concept. Today, "RP" is used to refer to the pronunciation usually taught to foreigners -unlike the other .
-> temporomandibulaarse ühise stomatoloogia haigused
13 mai 2016 so$//s£varin$ailvpt£raen"k?umussggr rist rp=eo"i nmdt$onU£. hJa!$£/p. aee ltsel, toee,aiimeae d i£/o uemsdi.n e ga saütlen pnoaapksütlimnsVo eaddag tsh õsnrpugsluusk i$tatieõ. ,lmdp hmeaia naesjnde sl j rtt m oeaaa"üeõa sestslc$ ai eaaudri kdimi. tdlel/tussle /nik$htä a/htajs .

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